Tuesday, April 13, 2010

#BuBirTatbikattir Twitter'de/Twitter Dry Run Rules

Welcome to the new members of the group. Thanks for joining. Some of you may not quite realize what you've joined. Jor El isn't a Facebook group per se, but a working group that is for now using Facebook to communicate. You're very welcome to be part of the group, but we're assuming that everyone who has joined is a volunteer. So we're going to ask you to help.

Gruba yeni uyeleri hosgeldiniz, bizlere katildiginiz icin tesekkur ederiz. Bir kisminiz tam olarak ne yaptigimizi anlamamis olabilirsiniz. Jor El sadece genel Facebook gurubundan cok Facebook iletisim kurmak icin kullanan bir calisma gurub. Guruba katilmaniz bizi memnun eder ama bilmenizi isterizki her katilanin bir gonullu oldugunu dusunerek sizlerden calismalarimiza yardimci olmanizi isteyecegiz.

Right now, we're chiefly working to establish a USHAHIDI platform in Istanbul as a seismic risk mitigation tool. If that doesn't make sense, please read this:

Ilk is olarak Istanbulda uygulamak uzere sismik risk azaltma araci olarak USHAHIDI platformunun benzerinin hazirliklari icersindeyiz. Konuyu irdeleyen ve detayli bilgileri iceren asagidaki linklere gozatabilirsiniz.



We've scheduled our first test of the USHAHIDI Istanbul system for next Monday, April 19. (This is subject to change if the system isn't completely debugged and translated by then). Here's what's going to happen, and here's what we need you to do.

Ilk USHAHID Istanbul sistem uygulamasini gelecek hafta Pazartesi, 19 Nisan'da tatbik edecegiz. (Sistemin tam olarak arindirilip tercume edilmesine bagli olarak degisebilir) Uygulanacak olan program ve sizden yapmanizi istedigimiz etaplar asagidaki gibidir.

1) Could everyone who is already on Twitter please follow ClaireBerlinski and ISTANBULTWSTVL.

Lutfen twitter'i kullanan herkes ClaireBerlinski'yi ISTANBULTWSTVL uzerinden takip etsin.

2) Could everyone who is not on Twitter please get on Twitter. (If you're living in a seismic zone, trust me, you want to know how Twitter works.)

Twitter'e uye olmayan lutfen kayit olsun, ozellikle sismik hareketlerin oldugu bolgede yasayanlar Twitter'in nasil calistigini kesinlikle ogrenmek isteyecektir.

3) We need volunteers to input incoming Tweets. You'll need some knowledge of Istanbul geography to do this. If you think you can do it, have a look at http://www.depremak.org/, and see if you can figure it out from the instructions. If you can't, the instructions need to be clearer, so let us know what you don't understand. Please let us know if you can volunteer.

Gelen Tweet'leri kaydedecek gonullulere ihtiyacimiz olucak. Istanbul'un cografyasini bilmek gerekiyor. Yapabilecegini dusunen herkes lutfenhttp://www.depremak,org sitesini incelesin ve talimatlari dikkatle inceleyin. Yapamazsaniz, talimatlarin daha net ve acik olmasi gerekir, lutfen bu konuda bizleri bilgilendirin. Gonullu olmak isteyenler lutfen bize bildirin.

Here's what's going to happen. At 10:00 am Istanbul time, we're going to pretend that there's been a massive earthquake in Istanbul. For the sake of the exercise, we're going to assume that phones are down, but some people have access to Twitter. (This is not fanciful: It's exactly what happened in Haiti.) People participating in the exercise -- that's you -- will Tweet about it. Use your imaginations. Report collapsed buildings, fires, injuries.

Do it just the way you would if it had really happened and you were really panicking, emotional, and not thinking straight, EXCEPT,


Uygulanacak olan kurgu asagidaki gibi gerceklesek. Istanbul saati ile sabah 10'de buyuk olcekli bir depremin olduguna dair haber gondericegiz, hareketin gecerliligi acisinda telefon sisteminin tamamen cokmus oldugu varsayacagiz ve sadece bir kisimin kisilerin twitter kullanma imkani oldugunu var sayacagiz. (bu bir hayali dusunce degil - Haiti de aynen bu olmustu.) Bu uygulamaya katilanlar - yani sizler - derhal tweet gondermeye basliyacaksiniz. Hayal gucunuzu kullanin, cokmus binalar, yanginlar, yaralilar gibi durumlari bildireceksiniz. Boyle bir seyin oldugu zaman nasil hareket ederseniz oyle hareket etmeniz gerekir, yani panik, duygusallik, dogru dusunememek AMA EN ONEMLI NOKTA BU TWEETLERIN ETRAFA VE DURUMUN ICINDE OLMIYANLARA PANIK YARATMAMAK....O yuzdendirki kod sistemi kullanacagiz....

The rules:

a. All Tweets must be prefaced #BuBirTatbikattir.
Tum Tweet'lerin basina #BuBirTatbikattir ibaresi kullanilacak.

b. Use the word PARTY for EARTHQUAKE
Deprem icin PARTY kelimesini kullanin

c. Use the word LIGHT for FIRE
Yangin icin LIGHT kelimesini kullanin

d. Use the word GUESTS for INJURED
Yaralilar icin GUESTS kelimesini kullanin

Cokmus binalar icin CLUB kelimesini kullanin

So, e.g., "#BuBirTatbikattir. RT #party at Galatasaray 50 guests in club by post office."

Orne "#BuBirTatbikattir. RT #Party Galatasarayda 50 GUEST posta ofisinin yanidaki CLUB'da

We'd like you to keep Tweeting until midnight. The volunteers are going to see if they can find all the relevant Tweets and input them into the system. We should be able to see pretty quickly whether it works. If it does, we're going to do it again with AKUT, who are going to practice getting real rescuers to the sites that are reported.

Tweet'ler gece yarisina kadar devam edecek. Gonulluler ilgili tum tweetleri kaydetmeye calisacaklar. Bu calismanin basarili olup olmadigini kisa zamanda belirliyebilecegiz. Eger uygulama iyi olursa bu tatbikati AKUT ile uygulayacagiz, ve onlar gercek ekiplerle bildirilen yerlere gidicekler.

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